
Dearest Vera,
I cannot believe you are two years old already! It seems like just yesterday I held your, warm tiny body on my chest for the very first time. Since then, we've both grown some and certainly, we've had our fair share diaper changes, feedings, tantrums, and of course, those sleepless nights! But we've also laughed, snuggled, kissed, shared, played, and read... Oh how we've read (and practically memorized) all of your books!
(Is the monster still at the end of the book?! Oh and don't even get me started about that hungry caterpillar!)
It's those simple moments, of us reading, snuggling, laughing together that I will forever cherish. The moments when you look at me and I am your world, your everything. I know I won't always be the center of your world, but darling, you will always be the center of mine.
I will love you always, no matter what, and it's both the highs and the lows of life, throughout the past 2 years, that I always want to remember. I cherish this time with you, my precious girl! You're sassy, confident, energetic, silly, smart, stubborn, and so tender... It's such a joy to be your mama. I love you more than I know how to express. Happy birthday beautiful girl!
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